
Showing posts from October, 2016

Angular filter with select tag and input value

javascript: var app = angular . module ( 'appX' , []); app . controller ( 'ctrlX' , function ( $scope ) { $scope . dataSet = [{ firstname : 'first 1' , lastname : 'last 1' , age : '24' , sex : 'F' }, { firstname : 'first 2' , lastname : 'last 2' , age : '21' , sex : 'M' }, { firstname : 'first 3' , lastname : 'last 3' , age : '24' , sex : 'M' }, { firstname : 'first 4' , lastname : 'last 4' , age : '26' , sex : 'F' }]; $scope . keyList = []; angular . forEach ( $scope . dataSet , function ( val , key ) { angular . forEach ( val , function ( v , k ) { if ( $scope . keyList . indexOf ( k ) < 0 ) { $scope . keyList . push ( k ); } }) }) }) app . filter ( 'mycust