An error occurred while installing rmagick (5.2.0), and Bundler cannot continue.
To see why this extension failed to compile, please check the mkmf.log which can be found here: /Users/apple/.asdf/installs/ruby/2.7.5/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/extensions/arm64-darwin-22/2.7.0/rmagick-5.2.0/mkmf.log extconf failed, exit code 1 Gem files will remain installed in /Users/apple/.asdf/installs/ruby/2.7.5/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/rmagick-5.2.0 for inspection. Results logged to /Users/apple/.asdf/installs/ruby/2.7.5/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/extensions/arm64-darwin-22/2.7.0/rmagick-5.2.0/gem_make.out An error occurred while installing rmagick (5.2.0), and Bundler cannot continue. Make sure that `gem install rmagick -v '5.2.0' --source ''` succeeds before bundling. In Gemfile: rmagick The fix is very simple. Do the following brew uninstall imagemagick brew install imagemagick@6 export PATH="/usr/local/opt/imagemagick@6/bin:$PATH" brew link --force imagemagick@6 gem install rmagick This should do it!