How To Deploy a Rails App with Passenger and Apache on Ubuntu 14.04
Introduction In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to install Phusion Passenger as your Rails-friendly web server, which is easy to install, configure, and maintain. We will integrate it into Apache on Ubuntu 14.04. By the end of this tutorial, we will have a test Rails application deployed on our Droplet. If you prefer Nginx over Apache, take a look at how to deploy a Rails app with Passenger and Nginx on Ubuntu 14.04 by following the link. Prerequisites The first step is to create a new Droplet. For smaller sites it is enough to use the 512 MB plan. You may want to choose the 32-bit Ubuntu image because of smaller memory consumption (64-bit programs use about 50% more memory then their 32-bit counterparts). However, if you need a bigger machine, or there is a chance that you will upgrade to more than 4 GB of RAM, you should consider the 64-bit version. Be sure to use Ubuntu 14.04. At the time of this writing, Ubuntu 14.10 does not have a Passanger...