csv file upload progress bar in rails
I have added bootstrap progress bar when uploading csv file.
Submit form using Ajax:-
<%= form_for @company, :url=>company_upload_path, :html => {multipart: true,:class=>"upload_form",:remote=>true,:id=>"new_company"} do |f| %>
<%= file_field_tag "file",:class=>"form-control btn btn-default",:id=>"model_file" %>
<%= f.button 'Import', :class => 'submit btn btn-primary import_button' %>
<% end %>
Add progress-bar div when you want to show progress bar and give its initial width 0.
<div class="progress" id = "import-campaign-bar">
<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-success" style="width: 0%"></div>
def company_upload
# @company=Company.import_company(params[:company][:file], params[:tag],current_user, params[:campaign_id])
# flash[:success] = "Companies Imported" if !@company.blank?
# redirect_to :back
companies = []
if !params[:company][:file].blank?
CSV.foreach(params[:company][:file].tempfile,:encoding => 'windows-1251:utf-8') { |row|
company_data = {}
company_data["name"] = row[0]
company_data["facebook"] = row[1]
company_data["phone"] = row[2]
company_data["twitter"] = row[3]
company_data["website"] = row[4]
company_data["email"] = row[5]
company_data["remarks"] = row[6]
companies << company_data
#remove first row with column name and make a new array with companys
companies = companies[1..companies.length]
@total_count = companies.count
if params[:count].blank?
@count = 0
@count = params[:count].to_i + 1
if !companies[@count].blank?
@company = current_user.companies.create(companies[@count])
@company.campaign_id = campaign_id
@activity = import_company_activity_create(@company.id,campaign_id,current_user)
create company_upload.js.erb and add following lines:-
<% if @count < @total_count %>
<% bar_value = 100.to_f / @total_count.to_f %>
<% progress_width = (@count+1)*bar_value %>
$("#new_company").append("<input type='text' id='import_count' class = 'hidden' name='count' value =<%= @count %>>")
$("#import-company-bar .progress-bar").css("width","<%=progress_width%>%")
<% else %>
<% end %>
Submit form using Ajax:-
<%= form_for @company, :url=>company_upload_path, :html => {multipart: true,:class=>"upload_form",:remote=>true,:id=>"new_company"} do |f| %>
<%= file_field_tag "file",:class=>"form-control btn btn-default",:id=>"model_file" %>
<%= f.button 'Import', :class => 'submit btn btn-primary import_button' %>
<% end %>
Add progress-bar div when you want to show progress bar and give its initial width 0.
<div class="progress" id = "import-campaign-bar">
<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-success" style="width: 0%"></div>
def company_upload
# @company=Company.import_company(params[:company][:file], params[:tag],current_user, params[:campaign_id])
# flash[:success] = "Companies Imported" if !@company.blank?
# redirect_to :back
companies = []
if !params[:company][:file].blank?
CSV.foreach(params[:company][:file].tempfile,:encoding => 'windows-1251:utf-8') { |row|
company_data = {}
company_data["name"] = row[0]
company_data["facebook"] = row[1]
company_data["phone"] = row[2]
company_data["twitter"] = row[3]
company_data["website"] = row[4]
company_data["email"] = row[5]
company_data["remarks"] = row[6]
companies << company_data
#remove first row with column name and make a new array with companys
companies = companies[1..companies.length]
@total_count = companies.count
if params[:count].blank?
@count = 0
@count = params[:count].to_i + 1
if !companies[@count].blank?
@company = current_user.companies.create(companies[@count])
@company.campaign_id = campaign_id
@activity = import_company_activity_create(@company.id,campaign_id,current_user)
create company_upload.js.erb and add following lines:-
<% if @count < @total_count %>
<% bar_value = 100.to_f / @total_count.to_f %>
<% progress_width = (@count+1)*bar_value %>
$("#new_company").append("<input type='text' id='import_count' class = 'hidden' name='count' value =<%= @count %>>")
$("#import-company-bar .progress-bar").css("width","<%=progress_width%>%")
<% else %>
<% end %>
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